Title: Strongbow and Silvertree
Author: Serenity
Author's Email: serenityabrin@hotmail.com
Pairings: Beleg/Celeborn
Rating: NC-17
Summary: No real plot
Disclaimer: I don't own them; they belong to Tolkien.
Warnings: PWP, Not Beta’d
Author's Notes: None

"Beleg should return soon, but I shall be in meetings all day. Will you take his report, nephew?"

Thingol's seemingly innocent request haunted Celeborn through his workday. It had been nearly forty years since Celeborn had been one of Beleg's students, learning the arts of battle. Celeborn had been a very young elf then, just shy of his majority. He knew he had been a poor student, not because he was clumsy or unskilled, but because he had spent much of his youth completely enamored with his heroic teacher. For the life of him, Celeborn couldn't concentrate at all when the celebrated warrior was watching him.

Beleg Cúthalion was a legend to his people, leading his archers against the dark forces lurking beyond the Girdle. His warriors would return with tales of his deeds and bravery. Their tones were always hushed and reverent, the awe plain on their faces. Celeborn understood completely.

He had only seen Beleg in action once. Just after his majority, Thingol had ordered his captain to take Celeborn out patrolling. Mablung had taken him near the northern marches where a band of wolves and orcs had taken shelter unknown. The fighting had been heavy. At the time, Celeborn had had no idea how bad it was. He had not been particularly frightened, focusing only on the enemies immediately around him. In the years to come, he would learn to look at the overall picture. If he had been able to do that during that battle, Celeborn would have been truly afraid.

As it was, they were being pressed back when Beleg appeared with a small handful of scouts. Just those few were enough to turn the advantage to the elves. Celeborn still relished the memory of Cúthalion charging into the fray, his sword glinting in the starlight as he practically danced around their enemies.

Unfortunately, that was the last time he had seen his mentor for any length of time. From then on, Celeborn would only catch infrequent glimpses of Beleg from a distance at court. He found he could no longer hide in the shadows to admire the warrior's singular beauty, as his duties forced him to become a public figure.

In the absence of his own child, Elu Thingol had chosen his brother's first grandson to be his heir until he had one of his own. At the moment, the king was still on a honeymoon of sorts, still enjoying the newness of his marriage even though a century had passed since the wedding.

Celeborn found he was given more and more responsibilities, his days filled with endless paper shuffling, meetings, evaluating proposed projects, handing out promotions, allocating supplies and planning upcoming festivals. He was so mired in such business that he managed to momentarily forget about his appointment. The Prince of Doriath was deep in discussion with one of his personal advisors when Beleg knocked at his door.

Celeborn distractedly called him in, not looking up from his conversation. Two elves had both been promised the latest foal from Thingol's finest stud. The stablemaster had promised that the mare would bear twins, but it didn't turn out that way. Now both fought over the foal, neither willing to wait for the next one. Understandably, Celeborn's young advisor didn't know how to handle this.

Fifteen minutes later, the advisor left with a passable solution. Celeborn reached for the next scroll on his to-do stack.

"I see you are busy," a warm baritone voice said. Celeborn's breath caught and he warily looked up, finding Beleg leaning casually against the wall. He looked perfectly edible. Obviously he had just come from the field, Belthronding held casually in his pale hands, his slender fingers unconsciously caressing the dark wood of the bow. Celeborn quickly tore his eyes away from the tempting fingers, managing to meet his mentor's steady gaze.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting," he managed to say, his voice a shade lower than was his custom. It was better that than a shade too high.

Beleg shrugged elegantly, pushing off the wall in the same motion. It was beautiful and Celeborn's jaw clenched as he fought to control himself. He was no longer an elfing and there was business to address. Letting the parchment in his hand drop, he rifled through another pile and brought out a map of Doriath and a blank piece of parchment.

Standing up, Celeborn gestured the captain to a small table where he could lay out the map. Beleg stood next to him, completely untroubled by their close proximity. His keen eyes studied the parchment, noting the red coloring that indicated wolf sightings and the green for orcs. An occasional purple, an unknown, dotted the outer ring.

"Here," he said, gently touching the yellowing paper. "There was an attack here and here, both repelled easily. The wolves are hungry this time of year. It makes them more aggressive."

Celeborn nodded absently, retrieving his red inkwell and marking the appropriate spots. He found his initial agitation disappearing under the familiar routine of work. Beleg was not the first commander to give him such a report, and he knew what he had to ask. Celeborn conducted the meeting quickly and efficiently, only thinking afterwards that he might have prolonged it.

Straightening up, Beleg now studied Celeborn for a long moment. The younger elf quickly turned away from the scrutiny, glad the reports gave him a reason for doing so. He shelved them in the appropriate places while getting his emotions under control.

When he turned back, his face was completely neutral, a skill he had developed at court. Beleg's expression was equally unreadable. His eyes, somewhere between green and blue, were guarded. It was ever thus, Beleg hiding his thoughts behind a careful shield. Celeborn had never seen him drop that wary mask for anyone.

With a sudden motion, Beleg dutifully covered his heart with his hand and bowed, much the same way he did to the king. "My prince," he murmured in deference. The simple words made Celeborn's heart clench, the distance they implied stealing his breath away. He could only nod dumbly, watching the tall warrior quietly leave.


The familiar ache of muscles soothed the strain of the day from Celeborn. He knew he shouldn't be here. The sounds of partying could still be heard from outside, but he could not muster enough energy to join his fellows. Planning for an event took all of the pleasure out of it, he thought wryly letting his sword arc upwards in a motion that would have decapitated an enemy.

As he gracefully danced about the practice ring, Celeborn mused how often he had watched Beleg do the same thing. That was how he had first seen the famous archer, gliding through the motions of battle. It had been the most beautiful thing little Celeborn had ever seen. He would sneak out of his room late at night to spy on his uncle's captain. Beleg had a habit of practicing alone after dinner, which was past Celeborn's bedtime.

Celeborn shook his head at himself. He had not been more than eight years old at the time, creeping in the shadows to hide behind his favorite pillar. Of course, now he knew that Beleg was probably very aware of his presence. Nothing escaped his notice, but at the time the young prince thought he was being very stealthy. It amused Celeborn how naive he had been.

"I see your form has improved," the warm voice startled him out of his daydreams. Celeborn whirled around, sword pointed at the intruder. Beleg stood motionless, hands clasped behind his back. He was close enough that Celeborn could have hit him with his weapon, but the warrior paid it no heed, his eyes locked with his prince's.

Willing his heart to settle down, Celeborn let his sword lower. "But it seems my skill of vigilance is still woefully inadequate," he said, moving to the bench where his gear lay. Beleg remained unmoved, simply watching his prince's movements.

"You should not have need of such skill here," he said. Celeborn did not glance at him.

"Ears always open, I believe was the phrase. I highly doubt Mablung meant it to be a discretionary practice."

Beleg did not comment, his silence an agreement of its own. "Would you care for a sparing partner?" he asked. Celeborn stiffened in surprise.

"Thank you, but I should really return to the festivities," he responded, sheathing his sword.

"There is no need," Beleg said. Celeborn turned at this, canting an eyebrow in question. The older elf's gaze remained direct and unwavering. "Our Lady Melian has sent me here to pardon you from your duties."

"That is most gracious of her, but I do believe she made the offer with the intention that I take part in the festival instead of overseeing it," he said tiredly. Celeborn just did not feel like celebrating at the moment.

Beleg shrugged elegantly. "Your absence was noted by our lady. She wished you to know that whatever you were doing, you could continue doing without fear of reprisal from our king. As she sent me in this direction, I must conclude she knew where you would be so I believe she had no sense for your evening other than that you enjoy it."

Celeborn accepted that with a swallow. He hoped it was only his lady who had noticed his absence. Knowing her, she had already told Thingol that she had released him from his obligations even before she had done so. Melian had always been his champion.

Peeling off his sweat-drenched shirt, Celeborn moved to the fountain on the far side of the court. He ducked his head under it, letting the freezing water wake him up. Ringing out the excess water from his hair, Celeborn returned to where Beleg waited so patiently. The elder elf's eyes had darkened, remaining steadily fixed on him.

"Well then, I have no pressing business it seems, but I am finished for the night. Thank you for the offer," he said sincerely, draping his shirt over his arm and picking up his sword. A long night's rest sounded very appealing to him. That and a bath.

"Celeborn," Beleg said, stopping him from departing. There was an unusual note of uncertainty in his soft voice. That more than anything stayed him. He turned to look at his old teacher, seeing the uncertainty mirrored in his cloudy eyes. Celeborn waited for him to speak, as it seemed the captain was struggling with something.

"I...Do you remember when you used to sneak here to watch me as a child?" he asked. Celeborn blinked in surprise. That was the last thing he expected to be asked.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about that," he said, not embarrassed by his childhood crush. It was his later and continuing infatuation that troubled him.

Beleg straightened slightly upon hearing this. "Really? Why?"

Now it was Celeborn's turn to shrug. "I do not know." He gave himself a self-depreciatory smile. "I was just remembering how clever I thought I was that you did not notice me, but now, I cannot think that I made any less noise than a warg in heat. I am not surprised that you knew I was there. I wonder that you never said anything. Why do you ask?"

To his amazement, Beleg looked uncomfortable, his gaze finally wavering. He shrugged again. "I do not know," he whispered, letting his gaze travel over the pillars circling the ring. Celeborn grew concerned. It was so unlike Beleg to act like this. Quietly, he crossed the short distance between them, gently laying his large hand on his teacher's broad shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, the concern and affection evident in his eyes. Celeborn made no move to conceal his emotions, but hoped the extent of his affection remained unnoticed.
It took a long moment before Beleg would meet his gaze, and when he did, his expression was as shuttered as it always was.

"My lord," he began, seeking the emotional distance the title brought. Celeborn's eyes hardened.

"Don't," the prince commanded. He would not let Beleg hide behind ceremony if something truly troubled him.

Beleg swallowed nervously, feeling vulnerable without his customary formality to shield him. It took him another moment to meet Celeborn's eyes again. They were silent for several minutes, Beleg searching Celeborn's silver eyes with his own. The prince wondered what he was looking for, but held his gaze, hoping to ease his mentor's tension.

Suddenly, Beleg broke away, letting Celeborn's hand slip from his shoulder. A flash of something passed over his eyes and the moment of hesitation seemed to have vanished.

"There is something I wish to speak of," he said, his voice once again steady and calm. Celeborn began to wonder if he had imagined the whole thing. "Would you accompany me?"

Seeing no way to politely refuse, the younger elf nodded. Beleg turned and walked away, not bothering to see if Celeborn followed. It was a very familiar gesture, which settled some of the prince's anxiousness.

Beleg's sudden uncertainty was disconcerting. Celeborn had never seen him like that, never seen him in a moment of doubt. Of course, the younger elf chastised himself, Beleg was like any other elf. Just because he had performed deeds unparalleled by any other being in Middle-earth and he always gave the impression that he was untroubled did not mean that he did not suffer the same fears and doubts that most elves did.

Celeborn had thought he had knocked down Beleg's pedestal long ago in favor of the real elf, but it seemed his hero worship was not entirely gone.

Looking up from his musings, he was surprised to find himself before his own door. Beleg waited patiently for him to open it. Celeborn gave him a querying look.

"I thought you might appreciate the chance to change," the elder elf said, his expression as impassive as ever. That he was ordering himself into another elf's quarters did not seem to trouble him at all.

Shaking his head, Celeborn let him in. He threw his shirt into the laundry basket gesturing for Beleg to settle in one of the comfortable chairs by the fireplace. The elder elf remained standing, simply watching the prince put his sword away.

"Did you need me to dress?" Celeborn asked, wishing to get on with the conversation. He admitted to himself that his curiosity was peeked. It was very unlike Beleg to be so mysterious.

"It does not matter."

"Are you sure you would not like to sit?" Celeborn offered, beginning to undo his damp braids.

"I am fine, thank you," Beleg responded, continuing to watch with his unwavering gaze. Celeborn had long ago grown accustomed to it.

"Then, what is it that you wished to speak of?" he asked, using his fingers to comb out the slightly wavy hair.

Beleg remained silent for a moment until Celeborn returned his complete attention to him.

The taste of lips against his own startled him. He had not seen Beleg move from across the distance; just suddenly the older elf was kissing him, strong arms wrapped around his broad back, an insistent tongue seeking entrance into his warm mouth.

After his mind caught up to him, Celeborn opened his mouth and relaxed into the embrace, wrapping his arms around the captain's neck. He did not participate much beyond this, willing to see what Beleg had in mind.

The kiss was slow and unhurried, and more arousing than anything that Celeborn had ever experienced before. Beleg's tongue made a thorough sweep of his mouth, tasting every inch, memorizing flavor and feeling, savoring both. The simple press of lips on lips made Celeborn's knees weak, but Beleg's strong arms held him up.

Several long moments later, Beleg reluctantly lifted his head. Licking his lips, Celeborn regarded him quizzically. He raised an eyebrow in query, but did not voice his questions, unwilling to disturb the fey atmosphere and Beleg's strange mood.

The elder elf gently traced a finger down Celeborn's soft cheek, his expression thoughtful and guarded. He seemed not to see Celeborn there, not entirely at least, but rather seemed to be wrapped in his own thoughts. Celeborn remained silent, enjoying the soft caress.

His eyes were hooded and dark when the archer spoke. "I am a soldier, Celeborn. I do not have the skill with words that you do. You cannot expect poetry and song from me. I have ever been blunt and to the point, and I fear I cannot deny my nature, even to practice the delicacies of courtship."

"Courtship?" Celeborn asked, not entirely following the thread of the conversation. Beleg grimaced at Celeborn's words, though the younger elf did not notice, practically jelly in the warrior's arms. He was virtually purring under the continued caress. Beleg's calloused fingers had traced the line of his jaw down his throat and back up to let his thumb gently stroke Celeborn's pale lips. The rough texture sent chills through the younger elf.

"I have messed this up badly, but I knew I would. Every time I see you, all the carefully constructed phrases I have spent hours rehearsing disappear. This last week, when I saw you in your office, I wanted to tell you...You looked... I..." he stopped, at a loss for words. The younger elf opened his eyes fully, revealing they were dark with desire.

"Your words have indeed failed you, but somehow your message has been expressed," Celeborn said, flicking his tongue out to the finger at his lips. "Perhaps you should focus on the language that is actually conveying your meaning."

Beleg's eyes darkened rapidly at this. He needed no further prompting, locking his lips once more on Celeborn's. This kiss was completely unlike the first. It wasn't possible for Celeborn to remain passive this time. Beleg's kiss was an inferno, blazing through his veins straight to his groin.

The archer's strong hands roamed over Celeborn's bare back, burning arcane patterns into his flesh. His muscled thigh slid between the prince's, pressing against the younger elf's burgeoning erection. Celeborn gasped. Everything was happening so fast.

"Beleg?" he whispered into the captain's mouth. The tall archer was gently pushing him backward, in the general direction of his bedroom. Celeborn's heart began to beat faster.

"Hmm?" the older elf responded, bringing their lips together for another heated kiss. He continued to slowly guide them into the next room. Soon Celeborn's knees hit the side of the bed and he fell backward, breaking their kiss. He gasped for breath.

Beleg was also breathing heavily, his eyes dark and his face flushed. He quickly stripped off his tunic before joining Celeborn on the bed.

"I-I admit to not having very much experience," the younger elf whispered hesitantly. If possible Beleg's eyes darkened further.

"Yes, I know," he said beginning to kiss a fiery line down his lord's chest.

"You know?" the young prince gasped, his fingers moving to tangle in Beleg's long golden brown hair.

"I have been watching you. I have devoted many hours to your study," he whispered huskily against Celeborn's navel, his breath ticking the skin. "I used to watch you spying on the soldiers from behind your pillar, your eyes as wide as dinner plates." Beleg began to sting kisses down to his prince's hipbone, pulling off his trousers as he went. "I watched your skill in the practice ring disappear whenever I made myself known." Celeborn could feel the smile against his skin, even as one of Beleg's callused fingers began to circle his virgin opening. The younger elf gasped.

"I watched you grow into your gangly arms, hardening into a warrior to make Mablung proud. He often talks about you, you know," Beleg said casually, finally wrapping a strong hand around Celeborn's aching erection. The last thing Celeborn wanted to think about at the moment was his old teacher. His hips bucked up on their own accord.

"Do you know how graceful you look while dancing?" Beleg suddenly asked, his tongue darting out to taste the tip of his prince's cock. "It takes all my self-control not to drag you away from those preening, grasping harpies and fuck you raw." Celeborn gasped, feeling Beleg breech him. His body arched up instinctively, trying to get away from the burning digit wiggling inside him. Beleg's mouth was waiting to receive him, welcoming him into its warm heat.

Celeborn moaned, completely beyond any form of speech. His eyes rolled up into his head, and he thrust with abandon. Beleg used his free hand to press down his hip. The younger elf was barely aware when the finger entering him disappeared, only to return slick and more insistent. It was soon joined by another, both stretching him.

A sudden jolt of pleasure raced up his spine and back down to his cock, making it jump in Beleg's mouth. Celeborn's eyes snapped open to see Beleg grinning wickedly around the cock in his mouth. The sight nearly made him come, but the archer was ready, quickly encircling the base of the prince's manhood until the storm within him had passed.

Celeborn's head fell back heavily into the pillow, his whole body centered in the flesh between his legs. He took several deep breaths, willing himself to relax. It was apparent to him that Beleg would only let him come when the archer was buried deep within him. The thought made his cock twitch.

Beleg continued to swirl his tongue around Celeborn's cock, while his fingers toyed with his prostate. The young prince had long given up on thinking, just riding the pleasure. He whined when the fingers disappeared, and gasped when something much bigger, much hotter pressed into him.

Celeborn had never done this before and hardly had any idea how to relax a part of his anatomy used to expelling not receiving. Distantly, he heard Beleg's soft rumble, purring encouragements into his ear. Much of his previous passion drained away while he concentrated on accommodating the thick length within himself. Finally, he felt Beleg's balls press against him and the older elf stilled on top of him.

"Celeborn, open your eyes," Beleg commanded in a gentle voice. The younger elf instantly obeyed, looking up into the concerned eyes of his lover. "Take a deep breath," Beleg said, moving a strand of sweaty hair out of Celeborn's eyes.

The younger elf filled his lungs and exhaled slowly. He found the ache inside him ease, so he did it again. His muscles were beginning to unwind, to accept the intrusive invasion.

As his body relaxed, Celeborn's eyes focused on the face in front of his. The eyes were dilated and half-lidded despite the concern still reflected there. Beads of sweat were collecting on Beleg's brow, slowly rolling down his temples and down the side of his face. Celeborn blinked, suddenly realizing the effort it must be taking for the captain to remain still.

The younger elf moved his hips slightly. A strangled gasp passed through Beleg's teeth and he shut his eyes as he fought to keep control. Grinning wickedly, Celeborn moved again, this time rolling his hips. He was rewarded with a stifled moan.

Beleg's eyes snapped open and he looked down at the young elf beneath him. He gave Celeborn a momentarily disbelieving look that quickly changed into a wicked grin of his own. He leaned down for a lazy kiss while his hips began to piston in and out of the willing body beneath him.

The first move hit Celeborn's prostate. The younger elf gasped, and Beleg let his tongue slip into his mouth. Celeborn moaned, his hips moving on their own accord trying to get enough friction for his cock trapped between their bodies.

"Valar! Celeborn, you feel so good, so tight," Beleg ground out between his teeth. His movements were becoming jerky and erratic. Celeborn barely heard him, caught up in his own pleasure.

The pressure was building within him, and it was more intense than anything he had ever produced with his hand. Celeborn tossed his head from side to side, arched his back to press against the friction of Beleg's body.

The older elf groaned, managing to slip a hand between them to grasp the prince's hard cock. The moment his fingers touched, Celeborn exploded. His body shuddered so much with the force of his climax that the young elf thought he would shake himself apart.

It was several minutes before he descended back into himself. Celeborn could feel Beleg within him, still hard, but no longer moving. Opening his eyes, he looked up into his lover's face. There was an expression of almost awe in the elder elf's eyes.

Hesitantly, Beleg reached out to gently cup the prince's face. Celeborn leaned into the caress, moving his head to kiss the strong warrior hand.

"You're so beautiful," Beleg said softly, his voice rough. It sent a shiver down the younger elf's spine.

Celeborn shifted. Although he loved the intimate connection, it was starting to feel uncomfortable to have Beleg within him and not moving. He moved his hips, earning him a deep groan from his lover.

Beleg closed his eyes, his expression of ecstasy looking like one of pain. There was something thrilling in that; the notion that Celeborn gave his captain so much pleasure that it was painful. It was a very romantic idea.

Shifting his hips again, the younger elf encouraged Beleg to find his own completion. Beleg's hips moved on their own accord, his breath growing labored and frantic again.

Celeborn's cock twitched at the sight before him. Though he was too spent to harden again, he was glad he could see Beleg's climax, could concentrate on it the way the elder elf had obviously watched him in his own pleasure.

Never before had the young prince been this close to someone while they climaxed. He could see the strain of muscles under smooth skin, see the veins standing out against the white column of Beleg's neck. The body above him glistened with sweat. Beleg's eyes were hooded but did not close, remaining locked with Celeborn's. The younger elf found his focus drawn to them and he watched the build of pleasure in the expanding of the dark pupil until no color remained to the captain's eyes.

In that moment, Beleg threw back his head and howled. His body became as taut as his bowstring, every muscle going rigid. Delicate tremors danced through the strained muscles, showing the path of the lightening through his body.

Celeborn's hands moved up from their place at Beleg's slender hips to wrap around the archer's strong back as he collapsed onto the younger elf. The prince welcomed the weight, moving slightly at the odd feeling of Beleg softening within him. Holding his beloved in his arms, the younger elf gently stroked the long back.

After a short time, Beleg's body relaxed. He took a deep breath and levered himself up so that he leaned over his prince's body. Celeborn lifted a hand to stroke Beleg's soft cheek. His captain closed his eyes in surrender, leaning into the caress the way Celeborn had done earlier.

But then, before Celeborn could stop himself, he yawned largely. Beleg's look of adoration turned into one of amusement.

"I'm sorry if I have bored you, my lord," he teased. It was slightly surreal to the younger elf, having never seen Beleg relaxed enough for teasing.

"I have had a hard week, as well you know," he responded with mock annoyance. Beleg smiled, and Celeborn was struck with the beauty of it. He realized he had never seen a true smile from the archer before. Before, it was always formal or reserved half-smiles, given when expected but with no emotion behind it.

Unconsciously, Celeborn's fingers moved to trace the extraordinary smile. Beleg's expression softened and he kissed the wandering digit.

"You are right. Forgive me. I know you have had little sleep this past week," he whispered in a low voice. He leaned down brushing his lips against Celeborn's.

"You know?" Celeborn prompted, his voice equally low.

"I've been watching you, remember," he said, shifting slightly so that he could lie down beside his new lover. Celeborn instantly moved so that he could nestle against the strong archer.

"I am glad," he whispered, closing his eyes as weariness took hold of him. Beleg did not respond, stroking Celeborn's silver hair instead.

The young prince was just drifting on the edge of dreams when he felt the chest beneath him rumble with the passage of air through Beleg's lungs.

"I will always guard you, my prince," he whispered, obviously thinking the young elf was already asleep, "for..." He hesitated and Celeborn's ears strained to hear the rest. The fingers in his hair paused and the prince remained perfectly still, hoping Beleg did not realize he was still awake.

"I love you," he whispered. Celeborn heart skipped a beat, but he remained still. A gentle kiss was brushed against his ear and the arms around him tightened protectively. Celeborn fell asleep with a smile on his face.